Adding Products

WooCommerce Add Product - Familiar InterfaceAdding products in Product Vendors is similar to adding products in WooCommerce, and all users who have manage access to the vendor can add/edit products. More info at: Adding and Managing Products.

In Product Vendors, the only difference is vendors must have their products approved by the Store Owner. The process is:

  • Vendor creates a product that is Pending Review after submission to the Store Owner.
  • Email is sent to the Store Owner, notifying him/her that a vendor has submitted a product.

Types of products


Vendors see reports similar to WooCommerce Reports, and located in the same location, for their own sales only.



Commissions at a product, vendor or site-wide level are set by the Store Owner.

If he/she has enabled Instant Payment or Scheduled Payments (weekly, bi-weekly or monthly), Vendors need a PayPal account to receive payment for commission.

PayPal Setup

Product Vendors uses a built-in PayPal Mass Payments gateway to pay commissions.

Vendors need to have a PayPal account of any type to receive Instant Payments and Scheduled Payments. Go to to sign up or verify that the email address is correct on your existing account.

*Product Vendors has not been tested with a different payment gateway. If you’d like to use Stripe or another payment solution, this would require customization.

Note: We are unable to provide support for customizations under our Support Policy. If you are unfamiliar with custom code, select a WooExpert or Developer for assistance.


Product Vendors adds a few user roles. Those roles relate to order, products and settings limited to the product vendor their account is associated with under Products > Vendors. For example, they will only be able to edit their own products.


A vendor can have one of two different roles:

  • Vendor Admin – Has access to all settings: Orders, Reports, Media, Products, Store SettingsSupport (contacts the store admin), and Profile
  • Vendor Manager – Has limited access to the Vendor dashboard: OrdersMediaProducts, and Profile.

A single user with one user account can be set up to manage multiple vendors if needed, switching between vendors to which they have access.

Shipping and Fulfillment

Vendor are responsible for fulfilling and shipping/sending orders after a customer has bought their product(s).

There are two possible shipping types:

  • Per Product Shipping – If enabled by the Store Owner, shipping costs are passed to the Vendor, and the Vendor has the ability to add their own rates per product. See below.
  • All other shipping methods – If enabled by the Store Owner, shipping costs are charged to the customer, and payment is collected in checkout.

Per Product Shipping

Vendors need to set up their own shipping costs per product, if the Store Owner has enabled Per Product Shipping.

This is set in Product Data under Shipping > Shipping Rules. More information at: Defining Shipping Costs for Products.



The Store Owner sets up and places vendors in the correct tax class with relevant rates, according to location.

Email Notifications

Several emails are set up in Product Vendors for Vendors and the Store Owner.

  • Vendor Registration (Store Owner) – Sent when vendor submits registration form.
  • Vendor Registration (Vendor) – Sent to confirm registration form was submitted to store owner.
  • Order Email (Vendor) – Notifies vendor of a new order.
  • Canceled Order Email (Vendor) – Sent to notify vendor that customer canceled.
  • Vendor Approval – Sent to vendors with login and password when registration is approved.
  • Product Added Notice – Sent to store owner to review when product is added by a vendor.
  • Order Note to Customer – Sent to customer when vendor adds a note, e.g., Tracking number, personal thank you.


Product Vendors has a widget that displays vendor information according to settings by the Store Owner. It can be:

  • Context sensitive, showing the vendor being displayed the page being visited
  • General, showing a specific vendor no matter what page is being visited